MPD now installing BNWAS systems

2019-07-15T12:04:26+01:00October 23rd, 2013|News|

MPD Ltd. are now installing BNWAS under standard terms and conditions

The minimum requirement for a BNWAS under International Maritime Organization standards is to have a dormant stage and three alarm stages, except that on a non-passenger vessel, the second stage may be omitted. BNWAS is automatically engaged when the ship’s autopilot is activated.

Stage 1: When the autopilot is engaged, the bridge officer is required to signal his presence to the BNWAS system every 3 to 12 minutes in response to a flashing light, either by moving an arm in front of a motion sensor, pressing a confirmation button, or directly applying pressure to the BNWAS centre.

Stage 2: When a confirmation signal fails to occur within 15 seconds in Stage 1, an alarm will sound on the bridge, and if there is still no confirmation signal after a further 15 seconds, in the captain’s and the first officer’s cabins. One of them must then go to the bridge and cancel the alarm.

Stage 3: If neither the captain nor the first officer cancels the alarm within a specified time period (between 90 seconds and 3 minutes depending on the size of the vessel), an alarm will sound in locations where other personnel are usually available.

IMO requirements under the SOLAS resulting from an amendment of June 5, 2009, come into force on the following dates for ships classified by size:

July 2011: new vessels in excess of 150 tonnes

July 2011: all passenger vessels

July 2012: all vessels in excess of 3,000 tonnes

July 2013: all vessels between 500 and 3,000 tonnes

July 2014: all vessels between 150 and 500 tonnes

Melita Power Diesel Ltd is now installing BNWAS under its standard terms and conditions

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